yvan favre

Visites : 75174

Artiste : yvan favre

Biographie de l'artiste :

Influenced by the new American realistic painters such as Jeremy Lipking, Casey Baugh or Alyssa Monks, but also by a strong film culture whose characteristic frames he has used as inspiration, Yvan Favre also likes to paint characters who tend to evade the surrounding world.
Cryptic, his compositions often represent portraits of women in a situation of wainting, reverie, and contemplation. As if time stood still.
The imperative need to capture ans seize the moment is accompanied by an irrepressible desire to translate subtle contrasts of light ans shade.
Welcome to this page

Site de l'artiste : https://www.saatchiart.com/yvanfavre

Mail : Lui écrire

Ville : Santa Monica

Nombres d'œuvres :

  • Peintures : 195
  • Photos : 0
  • Sculptures: 0
  • Dessins : 0
  • Autres : 0
  • Nombre Total d'œuvres : 195