
Visites : 8178

Lueur d’Espoir

Lueur d’Espoir

<Lueur d’espoir> / <Glimmer of hope> 60x80cm For this painting, I was inspired with the northern lights and The Great Bear’s Constellation. The seven stars will bring us luck ???? One day, I hope I can see them in real ???? I saw many other colors for them: gold, magenta, blue,… but it is the green one that is the symbol of hope that attracts my attention and heart. For this painting, I used these colors: #iridescent white #marsblack #limegreen #prussianblue Acrylic paintin

3 coups de cœur |

3 coups de technique

Artiste : Love_art_by_Angel | Voir ses œuvres | peinture | Visite : 34

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