mairon almeida

Visites : 6938



acrylic on wood - size 50 by 50. This painting is sold with black frame and anti glare glass! felicity is a painting that reflects a lot of me. what makes me happy? I love birds, fish and flowers. the touch of the wind on his face. all that is natural makes me renewed and happier. if I see sylphs, fairies and gnomes, I'm not crazy about it! I am happy when I am at peace with nature and all that comes from it, I am happy when I am in the company of animals and magical things. felicty is a pain

2 coups de cœur |

2 coups de technique

Artiste : mairon almeida | Voir ses œuvres | peinture | Visite : 254 | Prix : 1500 €

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